A comprehensive consideration of the terminal equipment of low pressure working environment , the impact of the best edge with roughly the following factors:
Rated voltage and related equipment ; rated the WISDOM Terminal BLOCK best edge voltage ; by the device during operation overvoltage rated impulse voltage is determined . Another environmental conditions such as: temperature, humidity, solar radiation , heating, ventilation , dust, water vapor , etc. ; Other factors such as: pollution, material properties ( tracking index CTI), voltage action time , frequency , altitude ( atmospheric pressure ) , electric fields , uniform electric field ; non-uniform electric field. 2 , terminals make the edge of destruction and influencing factors
One of the best edge breakdown ( thermal breakdown ) that is under the strong electric field , electric internal media due to dielectric loss and fever , too late if the heat loss, the temperature rising, resulting in the escape of low molecular weight volatiles leaving the material molecular structural damage, finally resulting in the best edge breakdown ; make the edge of breakdown factors: temperature - temperature, humidity breakdown voltage of the material drops - the humidity increases, the breakdown voltage of the voltage drop of materials - the role of time voltage is applied to increase the time , the breakdown voltage drop material frequency - frequency progress, material breakdown voltage drop material thickness - material thickness progress , heat adverse , the other is to make the breakdown voltage drops that make the edge of the edge of aging in a variety of materials during the operation of the device the following factors , the occurrence of physical and chemical changes irreversible, leading to dramatic changes in electrical materials , mechanical properties and damage , for the best edge aging. Such as: thermal aging , although the insulating material alone or in combination in the heat, oxygen , water , low molecular weight product or escape of volatiles ; inherently radical chain reaction so that molecular chains involved ; acceleration caused material damage autocatalysis ; produce hydrolytic degradation ; or a polymer chain polymer produced , leading to performance WISDOM utp cable degradation or complete destruction of materials ; electrical aging Further , since O3, nitrogen oxides, and other high-velocity particles of a partial discharge and partial discharge caused by the increased dielectric loss resulting material heat, resulting in performance degradation or complete destruction of the material make the edge of the aging factors: the electric field strength - the electric field intensity increases, the material to make the edge accelerated aging temperature - temperature increased, the best edge humidity will accelerate the aging of the material - the humidity increases, the material will accelerate the aging of the best edge frequency - the frequency increases , the best insulating material will accelerate the aging of pollution - pollution can cause partial discharge , although summary edge accelerated aging of materials used to make from the edge with low-voltage electrical equipment in the terminals electrical insulating material to make far greater than the strength of the electrical strength of air , so when the terminal to make clearances conducted mainly the edge of the design , the method should be used creepage interval , ie between the WISDOM VGA CABLE two conductors to make a solid increase edge isolation. One solid insulating material because of defects ( such as impurities, air gap ) is present, although still much less than the breakdown voltage level, but still partial discharge is generated due to the damage of its life . One solid insulating material with a process of accumulation of damage in the course of its life , can not recover the process will eventually lead to the breakdown or aging and loss performance. In the high-frequency voltage is applied , the material dielectric loss and partial discharge will decrease the life intensifies . Simply by increasing the capacity of the terminal to make the thickness of the edge structure in order to obtain long-term differences withstand voltage is suitable only be met through reasonable structural design effect only . Specific to the design method must determine the minimum clearances ; minimum creepage interval ; Or add some secondary measures: applying the best insulating material ; retrofitting to make the edge to make the casing or liner edge ; exhibition to make border membrane lining ; pollution and moisture and so on.